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3 comentarios en «Contacta»

  1. Felix Maraña has sent me a photograph of the concert with Vivaldi this Saturday. Is it possible that you could notify via Gmail when there are concerts of this type? By the way, What does Aita Garayoa mean?

    Muchas Gracias y Saludos muy fuertes,,

    • Hello Lola. I usually publish my concerts in this blog. There is also a calendar you can check with all the next concerts in the right sidebar of the blog. Anyway I´ll try to send you a notification of comming concerts by gmail.
      Where are you writting me from?
      Aita Garayoa means Father Garayoa who was the founder of a choral tradition in the school of San Ignacio in San Sebastian, where we belong as choir. He began working with children and youth choirs. We remember his labor.
      Thank you for your interest in our choir


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